SWORKIT pro v5.60.05.rar

SWORKIT pro v5.60.05.rar
Rozmiar 61,6 MB

Sworkit Pro Personal Trainer

Perfect for those busy times when you just can't make it to the gym...
That long day at work.
When you have to travel.
That morning you slept in.
Your newborn baby.
Sworkit is a personal trainer in your pocket for fractions of the cost.
Get guided video workouts you can do anywhere, and fit in any schedule.

If you already have a trainer, please don't fire them! Just have them create custom workouts for you to do in between your training sessions.

Or if you're particular or have special needs (like a bad knee and want to avoid jumping exercises), create your own custom workouts from our library of over 160 different exercises!

Target any area of your body: Upper Body, Lower Body, Core, Abs, Butt, Back, Legs etc.
Workouts for everyone: Strength, Cardio, Yoga, Stretching, and Pilates.

Sworkit uses a scientifically proven technique of combining interval training with randomized exercises to maximize the effectiveness of every workout. Best of all, these randomized circuit training workouts require no weights or extra equipment. You can choose your workout length and target different areas to create the perfect workout anywhere, anytime. The randomized aspect helps your body workout harder by preventing it from getting used to a specific routine, helping you stay motivated to exercise and stay fit. The circuit training aspect provides additional cardiovascular fitness with each exercise being presented in 30 second intervals with a built in rest periods.
  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • kress-ka.xlx.pl