SPC - Music Drum Pad v2.2.5(update).apk

SPC - Music Drum Pad v2.2.5(update).apk
Rozmiar 8,7 MB

Brak testu.
Aktualizacja :4 kwietnia 2014.
Android O/S : Zależy od urządzenia.
What's in this version :

●Sample and loop listing in alphabetical order.
●Android 4.4 ready.
●Fixes for hdpi und xhdpi phone screens.
●Xxhdpi 144x144 icon added.
●Improved low latency support for devices with a 48 kHz sample rate.
●Improved Delay and Filter effect.
●Reset knobs to zero position by double tap.
●Sample preview in browser, start and stop pad by double tap.

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • kress-ka.xlx.pl