Hackers University Pro v2.2(update).apk

Hackers University Pro v2.2(update).apk
Rozmiar 4,5 MB

Brak testu.
Aktualizacja :12 stycznia 2014 (wersja aktualna na dzień uploadu).
Android O/S : 3.0+..
Features :

► BackTrack / Kali Linux guides.
► Hacking various WiFi networks such as: WEP, WPA, WPA, and WPS networks.
► Test websites for exploits with mySQL and other methods.
► Use your android phone to crash wifi networks, sniff facebook/e-mail passwords and more.
► Create your own keylogger.
► Learn how to make trojans and viruses while remaining undetectable
► Browse the internet without leaving a trace behind! Learn to be completely anonymous online.
► Modify game consoles to run pirated games.
► Learn to download any software, app, game, movie, or music for free.
This app is the ultimate hackers handbook reference guide! A MUST have for any aspiring hacker !

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • kress-ka.xlx.pl